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Putin publicly shows draft of ‘peace treaty’ signed by Russia-Ukraine in 2022

Updated: Mar 26

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Moscow and Kiev agreed on general conditions to ensure Ukraine’s neutrality and security during peace talks in March 2022, but Ukraine abruptly canceled the agreement reached by both sides.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday publicly showed the draft of the peace treaty signed by the two countries in Istanbul during the initial phase of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, according to media reports.

During a meeting with the African Union leaders spearheaded by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa at St. Petersberg's Konstantinovsky Palace, Putin accused Ukraine of signing a peace treaty with Moscow earlier, claiming that Kiev later threw it into the 'garbage of history', Hindustan Times reported.

Several other nations including Senegal, Egypt, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Congo Republic, and the Comoro Islands also attended the meeting with Putin and his African counterpart.

He added that the draft of the peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine was initialed by a leader from the negotiation group of Kiev who even signed the document of ‘security guarantees of Ukraine’.

UKRAINE - Threw Peace Treaty to the garbage dump of history

The media started to announce the probable success of the peace talks, but... Suddenly Boris Johnson appeared in Kiev with military gifts for Zelensky, after which the Ukrainian delegation did not appear again at the negotiation table.

Putin cited that Zelensky broke his promise when the Russians withdrew their troops from Kiev. We were all surprised by the Russian withdrawal of forces from the vicinity of Kiev, which appeared in the press as defeat of Russian troops by heroically fighting Ukrainians. As it looks now, the Russian troops did not withdraw because Ukrainians defeated them, as appeared in the media, but as part of the agreement.

With Basis on the April 2022 draft agreement (which was almost agreed back then):

- Russia would return to the positions in Donbass and Crimea

- Ukraine would declare Neutrality

- Ukraine would give up on NATO aspirations in exchange of Security Guarantees from a number of Countries

- The countries being: United Kingdom, China, United States, Turkey, France and Belarus

- Ukraine would agree on demilitarize itself and reduce its armed forces size

Putin also questioned, “Where are the guarantees that they will not renounce any other agreements in the future?"

“Russia never rejected negotiations," he added.

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