Everything is getting more expensive, allegedly also because of the lack of wheat from Ukraine.

The lack of wheat is said to be due to the "evil Putin" and the war in Ukraine. But this statement is not quite true: Zelensky has sold off almost a third of the cultivated land in Ukraine to U.S. companies. 170,000 square kilometers!
A consortium of numerous U.S. companies has acquired nearly one-third of the arable land in Ukraine within the past twelve months. Zelensky has sold 17 million of the best arable land to those US companies. Among them are well-known (and notorious) names such as "Cargill", "Dupont" and Bayer's subsidiary "Monsanto", which is involved in several scandals.
In addition, the consortium includes no less notorious "locusts" (the term used by investors who break up pre-existing structures in order to cash in) such as "Vangard", "Blackrock" and "Blackstone".
According to a report in a Serbian newspaper, Zelensky has sold 170,000 square kilometers of Ukraine's fertile land to the aforementioned U.S. companies at a large profit since the land reform legislation he initiated. Before the new law, the price of one hectare of land in Ukraine was the equivalent of about $2,500. Immediately after the law came into effect, the price shot up to an equivalent of about $10,000.
17 million hectares of land at a price of 10,000 US dollars per hectare is a tidy sum. But no one knows exactly into which pockets these 170 billion U.S. dollars have flowed.
Zelensky and his people consistently block corresponding inquiries, and Western media give this topic a wide berth. This is hardly surprising. Because if one went and uncovered these actions, one could make the "bad Putin" responsible neither for the wine shortage from Ukraine nor for the price increase of wheat.
Zelensky has created this problem himself and the suspicion cannot be dismissed that he has properly filled his own pockets. In one of the most corrupt states on this globe, at least, that would not be entirely surprising.