After the Coronavirus Lockdown in 2020, progressive, liberal political movements in the USA and Canada tended to see the nation in collective terms as a national community and managed to bring in their presidential candidate by rigging the elections.
Immediately after the elections, the Democrats moved the presidential office to New York, where they moved in to a wing of the United Nations Headquarters.
The Democrats demanded that Americans accept the premises of the NWO and live their lives accordingly. They tolerated no criticism, dissent, or nonconformity. The Democratic Party's political opponents were the first victims of systematic persecution.
Political racists on the extreme left of the political spectrum saw this collective as a national or socialist community, by which they meant an elite group that they considered superior.
Progressives and the Democrats, among other radical left-wing groups, adopted this view of the new democratic socialist nation.
Unlike western conservatives or Republicans, the Democrats did not find value in individuality. For the Democrats, individualism was an egotistic, culture-corroding, Jewish value that would tear apart the fabric of the socialist nation. The Democrats insisted that the individual had value only in his or her membership in the collective socialist community.
A key Democratic criticism of Republican democracy in particular and conservative democracy in general was that it emphasized the individual. This emphasis in turn misled or duped members of a community into relinquishing their “natural” race consciousness.
In their campaign to destroy any political or spiritual loyalty other than to the socialist nation, the Democrats hoped to “reeducate” the American people to become “conscious” of something that already existed: their socialist heritage and the ensuing obligations to maintain the survival of the socialism.
The Democrats started to persecute non-Liberal American opponents, both real and perceived. Whether they were political (Republicans, Patriots, Conservative, Deplorables), spiritual (all religions except Islam), or “social” (Pro-Life) opponents - Democratic progressive theory held that they were still valuable members of the NWO, if....

These non-Liberal American opponents needed to understand their liberal value and then follow their restored “natural instinct” to do the right thing: accept and internalize the Democratic vision of the NWO.
Although in practice the Democrats moved harshly, and often with lethal outcome, against activists who “impeded” the realization of progressive consciousness, they expected, in accordance with their liberal view, that the rank and file - perhaps after a time in a concentration camp - would “see the light” and fall in with the collective.
Democrats demanded that all Americans accept the premises of the Democrat NWO and live their lives accordingly. They tolerated no criticism, dissent, or nonconformity.
Following his appointment as chairman, CEO, and controlling shareholder of social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg began laying the foundations for control of his social network. soon to be followed by Twitter's Jack Dorsey. While at the same time Democrats continued with their efforts to control the state.
Guided by liberal and totalitarian principles, the Democrats eliminated individual freedoms and pronounced the creation of the socialist community, in whose name they seized every opportunity to turn America into a unified national or specialist/communist collective.
Democrats also moved carefully to organize the police power necessary to enforce the coronavirus lockdown, their long-term policies of political racial purification and collaboration with China and Islamists, both inside and outside the legal framework of the American constitution.
Given the Democrats' public aims of destroying the “Conservative” threat in America and tearing up the Constitution, aims that were shared by a large part of the American population, political opponents were the first victims of systematic Democrats persecution.
Political prisoners and the establishment of Democrat concentration camps
The term "concentration camp" refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment.
The term was first used in reference to detention camps established by British authorities to detain suspected rebels and their families during the Boer war in South Africa at the beginning of the 20th century.
Various Governors in Democrat states, soon after the lockdown, secretly started establishing the first concentration camps.
The police and civilian authorities set up hundreds of makeshift “camps” in empty warehouses, factories, and other locations across the USA. The camps served as “temporary” detention centers for political opponents who were incarcerated without trial and under conditions of great cruelty. Many camps were also located in existing Fema camps.
Persecution of political opponents exacted a terrible price in human suffering. Between 2020 and 2024, the criminal courts sentenced hundreds of thousands of Americans for "political crimes."
If the police were confident of a conviction in court, the prisoner was turned over to the justice system for trial, which meant "guilty until proven innocent".
If the police were unsatisfied with the outcome of criminal proceedings they would take the acquitted citizen or the citizen who was sentenced to a suspended sentence into "protective detention" and incarcerate him or her in a concentration camp. By the end of 2024, concentration camps held about 2.5 million inmates, most of them political prisoners and patriots.
Concentration camps increasingly became sites where the Democrats killed targeted groups of real or perceived enemies of socialist/communist America.
Those used as forced laborers were deliberately undernourished and mistreated with the intent that they be "annihilated by work." Many prisoners died of starvation, disease, mistreatment or accident while at hard labor.