-"Our colleagues, like the majority of citizens, can no longer bear the tyranny of these savage hordes," a statement from the French police union reads.

The unions representing roughly half of France’s police officers have released a joint public statement amidst the deadly riots that have turned that nation into a war zone at the hands of third-world Islamic migrants from Africa and the Middle East, saying that they are “at war” with the “savage hordes” who have overrun their country.
The statement, which blasts both France’s open borders government and the violent third-worlders they’ve allowed to besiege their country, comes as massive riots spurred on by African and Middle Eastern migrants have overtaken the entire nation, and have begun spreading to other regions of Europe.
The riots began after a 17-year-old Muslim with a lengthy criminal record was shot dead by police during a traffic stop when he attempted to escape the stop by running over an officer. The unrest has quickly taken the form of an Islamic holy war, with perpetrators shouting the Muslim battle cry of “Allahu akbar” as they galavant across France, looting, destroying, and killing.
Despite France’s strict gun control laws, several video clips have shown heavily armed Muslims raging through French streets with impunity, as the nation’s federal government has slow-walked any action to seize back control.
Left-wing extremists have also taken advantage of the unrest, waging their own campaign of destruction alongside their Muslim allies.
Now, France’s police are preparing to take matters into their own hands.
According to a French-to-English translation provided by Visegrad 24, the statement the French police unions reads:
"It’s enough!
Facing these savage hordes, asking for calm is no longer enough, IT MUST BE IMPOSED!
Restoring the Republican order and putting the apprehended beyond the capacity to harm others must be the only political signal to give.
In the face of such exactions, the police family must stand together.
Our colleagues, like the majority of citizens, can no longer bear the tyranny of these violent minorities.
The time is not for union action, but for combat against these "pests". Surrendering, capitulating, and pleasing them by laying down arms are not the solutions in light of the gravity of the situation.
All means must be put in place to restore the rule of law as quickly as possible.
Once restored, we already know that we will relive this mess that we have been enduring for decades.
For these reasons, Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA Police will take their responsibilities and warn the government from now on that at the end, we will be in action and without concrete measures for the legal protection of the Police, an appropriate penal response, significant means provided, the police will judge the extent of the consideration given.
Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will be in resistance and the government will have to become aware of it."
In addition to the French police, French citizens have taken to the streets to combat what can only be described as an activated third-world invasion force, with video footage showing French nationalists arming themselves with clubs to defend local shops from the looters and destroyers who have burnt entire city blocks, schools, libraries, and police stations during their campaign of carnage, which began earlier this week and has only grown in scope and severity since then.
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