An AfD MP has shown the German flag during a speech in the Bundestag (federal parliament). He was called to order for doing so - unthinkable in any other country in the world.

On Friday, the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag requested a current affairs debate on the topic of "Freedom of opinion in Germany".
Among other things, the AfD criticizes the government's so-called "Democracy Promotion Act", which would have delighted George Orwell, as well as the increasingly restricted spaces for debate and state repression.
According to the AfD, views that deviate from the government line are persecuted by the state in Germany and defamed in public.
AfD MP Martin Reichardt gave an emotional speech, at the end of which he held up a small German flag and quoted from the German national anthem:
"And the flag of Germany, black-red-gold, the flag of freedom and justice, it will shine in Germany! Unity and justice and freedom are the pledge of happiness!"
The Vice President of the Bundestag, Yvonne Magwas from the CDU, then called him to order twice. Magwas justified this as follows:
"Dear Mr. Reichardt, we are not holding anything up here, we are a parliament of the word and not of holding up flags or the like. I therefore call you to order for this. And I call you to order for calling the government an enemy of the constitution and explicitly pointing to it. And if you are called to order again today, you will have to leave the room. I would like to point this out to you as a precaution.
In the official video recording of the speech, which was published by the Bundestag, the Bundestag Vice-President's call to order cannot be seen in full, as the video breaks off after the words "Dear Mr. Reichardt, we are not holding anything up here, we are a parliament of the word and not ...".
I cut the call to order from the complete recording of the AfD parliamentary group and added it to my video above.
The AfD parliamentary group published the full speech and the call to order on X (formerly Twitter).
I don't know of any country in the world where it would be punished in parliament for displaying the flag of one's own country and quoting the central passage of one's own national anthem.
The accusation that Germany is ruled by anti-Germans has once again been impressively confirmed here.
The question is when the people of Germany will finally realize that their own government is anti-German and is deliberately harming their own country and their own people.