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Ghettos for Whites in South Africa | The poverty nobody wants to see

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation.

It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.


The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….


Slums and poor ghettos where blond children play, who can not go to school and have no medical care and whose parents can not find work because they are white. This does not fit in with the image of cultural Marxists, multicultural globalists and leftist intellectuals.


But it is bitter reality. Lauren Southern has visited such a poor ghetto near Johannesburg . Actually, it is only barracks for impoverished Boers, who would otherwise have to live on the street. The ghetto is not helped by the authorities because it is "too white".


A similar ghetto was reported by Euro-News. The backstory of most "stranded" is always the same. Many do not get a job because they are white. Even if they are excellently qualified, they will not be hired. It is estimated that about a quarter of white South Africans have come into extremely precarious life situations.


In the meantime, more than 400,000 whites live in poor ghettos, camps and shelters. Many of the Boers would never have dreamed of ending like this. But if one is deprived of his farm and not allowed to work as an employee, there is hardly an alternative.


The exodus has long since begun: more and more Africans are migrating 

Farmers who can afford it are leaving. Favorite destinations are the US  , Australia and New Zealand.


A Burmese farmer who has emigrated from South Africa to Georgia / USA to start a new farm there is pleased in the interview that he no longer has to face murder and manslaughter and does not have to live in constant fear that his land will be taken. His family had previously farmed in South Africa for almost 400 years.


Since the end of apartheid and the beginning of the ANC government, initially under Nelson Mandela, nearly one million white South Africans have emigrated.


The reasons are many. But most left the country because of the uncertain future and growing crime. Many have also given up, because they see through the new quota laws no more career opportunities.


Escalades for whites: Privately organized settlements as in the case of „Orania“ 

Others stay in the country and get involved. To protect themselves, white South Africans prefer to stay among themselves and live in closed settlement communities, where they also organize their private security services, because the state police are no longer reliable. But these settlements are repeatedly forced by the government to allow more diversity.

In the case of the settlement „Orania“ in the Cape region , the Boers have come up with something special. They have built the settlement on a large private property and officially registered as a kind of company.


Their idea: Orania should enable the inhabitants to live their culture freely without state influence and control. Orania even has its own currency and flag of its own.


Above all, they want to protect themselves from crime in South Africa. But how long will the Boers have their rest there? Already black African politicians want to take action against Orania. For example, politicians from the EFF ( The Economic Freedom Fighters) campaigned for massive sanctions by Orania.


The Zulu were not the first South Africans 

After the first Boers settled in the Cape region in the 17th century and penetrated from the Cape into the interior of South Africa in the 19th century, they usually found dry savannah there, where the collectors and hunters of the San groups (formerly called "Bushmen") lived. The San were beset by two sides: the European Boers, coming from the south, and various Bantu tribes, mostly coming from the north.


Boere Commandos during the Boer War in South Africa

The warlike Zulu, a special tribal group of the Bantu, had immigrated in the 17th century with the migration of Nguni Bantu tribes from the Congo in the eastern region of South Africa (Natal, east of the Drakensberg). There they subjugated and ousted the local San groups. 


In the 19th century, the Zulu expanded. Under their king Shaka (1787-1828) they conquered vast lands, expelled other Bantu tribes, such as the Ndwandwe, and advanced further to the west and southwest into the interior. 

The Zulu were doing quite briskly with the subject tribes, as they had previously handled not just gentle with the San.


Finally, the Boer settlers clashed with their treks and the expanding Zulu. Both came as conquerors who had supplanted the San groups and other Bantu tribes. Both - the Calvinist Boers and the Zulu - considered themselves eligible to rule over others. Therefore, it sounds strange in the ears of the other black African ethnic groups in South Africa, when it is just the Zulu with the rhetoric of the African victim role now swinging up to the politically dominant group.


It should not be denied: The period of British colonial rule and the subsequent period of apartheid in independent South Africa was characterized by racism and injustice. But now it is not better. The skewer was just turned over. This is not progress.

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